welcome to expression church
We are so glad you are here
Here is some information to help you get to know us better
Where is your church?
Join us Sunday mornings at 10am at our current temporary location - Michaels Avenue Community Centre, 12 Elwood Place, Ellerslie, Auckland 1051
This is where we’ll be meeting until our new Church building at 6 Sultan Street, Ellerslie is finished!
You can also join our livestream at 10am or watch on-demand.
How long is your service?
Our service is typically two hours long — thirty minutes of praise and worship and one hour of sermon.
What should I wear?
Absolutely anything! We believe that God looks at the heart, not outward appearances — so come as you are, whether it’s in jeans and a T-shirt or your Sunday best.
What is your style of worship?
Our worship is contemperary in style. Our praise band leads us in singing modern worship songs and our services are filled with nothing but energy and passion for God.
What about children?
We have Expression Embers for children from 4 – 12 years during our Sunday services. Learn more about programs for your kids here.
Is parking available?
Yes, you’ll find carparks down Elwood place and the Michaels Avenue entrance.